Example Bespoke Software 1
Example Bespoke Software 1 avatar

Property Details

What does our software look like? Well, you can make it look however you like. Here is a screen shot of a generic property management application showing some typical data fields. If you need bespoke software tailoring to your exact business requirements, check us out and give us a call.

Internet Explorer Discontinued
Internet Explorer Discontinued avatar


We pride ourselves in developing software that is browser independent, and for years we have included IE (Internet Explorer). For over 25 years, Internet Explorer remained the browser that Microsoft claimed was a core part of their early operating systems and couldn’t be disabled. Microsoft Drops Support for Internet Explorer Yesterday, Microsoft officially killed off … Read more

New Module for Client Suspense Accounts
New Module for Client Suspense Accounts avatar

new bespoke software modules

A client asked us for a new module to their software to cater for handling client funds that need to be in a separate client suspense account. We actually didn’t have one of these modules, and so we needed to create one from scratch at no cost to the client.   So, I have been … Read more

Two Factor Authentication
Two Factor Authentication avatar


Some clients have the requirement to secure their online web application with a two stage login, this is called two factor authentication (or sometimes 2FA), and is usually split between something you have and something you know, usually with one of the two items expiring.  Typical logons are a two stage or two screen logon … Read more

Security Upgrades: Anti Hack
Security Upgrades: Anti Hack avatar

Winston Churchill

As I posted last week, I was working on a variant of the email module for quotes, which caused an idea to develop, and some extra work, but it will improve security and performance. You see, in testing the new module, I just happened to find myself inspecting the servers logs to ensure that there … Read more

Alternative Quotation Modules
Alternative Quotation Modules avatar

new bespoke software modules

Today, I am writing a module to create two forms of email quotes for a client. This client has a requirement to send either based on what their client needs and it is really interesting to understand the business reasons why both is needed. The module is based on an existing one of ours, and … Read more