Customer Backup Data Vault
Customer Backup Data Vault avatar

Backups, backups, backups.  You cannot ever have enough copies of data, preferably in a different location.

It is reassuring to customers to know that we have our own off site data vault for server backups protecting customers data.  All the applications and data are stored on one of these arrays, pictured, and replicated off-site.

Data Vault
Our long term storage data vault for server backups.

You will see from the array of drives, there are 15 x 2Tb drives allowing us sufficient space to provide daily, weekly and monthly backups.

Our data backup Strategy

After years of experience, we realised that clients have either accidentally deleted or overwritten data and need us to go back to a previous version.  Nightly backups are ideal for this scenario.  However, in the case of a total loss, we can of course go back to the previous nightly virtual machine snapshot.

Daily Backups

We take nightly snapshots of all of our virtual machines and differential backups, updating last nights backup.

Weekly Backups

Once a week, we stow the full backup of a server and keep at least 3 weeks available in addition to the current week as well as multiple monthly backups.

Monthly Backups

We currently have backups going back 15 months.

Off Line Data Backups

With the threat of a virus encrypting data, one of our vaults is kept off line until we need to access it.  This ensures that it is impossible for a virus to encrypt our off line data and hold us to ransom if there is a 2 inch air gap to jump..!

Protect Your Data

Think about your data.  How many copies have you?  You really need to plan to have at least 3 copies in addition to the originals in case of a media failure.  Are they kept in multiple locations?  One copy needs to be kept off site in case of fire and/or theft.  And one copy needs to be kept off line (ie not accessible) in case of data hijacking and extortion or ransom due to an encrypting virus.

Plan what your needs are, think about your data, and what pain you would have if you lost some.  Alternatively call us for advice, we are always happy to help.

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