COVID19 – Visiting
COVID19 – Visiting avatar

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COVID19 Visitor Warning

We are a small company, and we value both your health as a visitor as well as our own.  We have decided to adopt some rules of our own as company policy to ensure the safety of both staff and visitors.

This is because we are a small business, and should we have a COVID outbreak, this would cause us a larger loss of customer services compared to larger businesses.  With this, we have elected to adopt some strict rules for all visitors and contractors.  Our policy will either, at least match any legislation in the country you are in, or surpass it for safety.


All of our staff have now had two COVID19 vaccines, so we expect all visitors to our premises to also match this vaccination level, and where appropriate any future booster vaccines.


All visitors are by advance appointment only.  If you show up unannounced, we may not be able to receive you and you may have to wait for another party to leave and cleaning to take place.

When you visit, you will need to bring with you your proof of vaccinations.  We will refuse entry without this proof.  If you have not been able to have two vaccines, then you can still join us remotely via a Zoom session, but you will not be able to visit any of our physical locations (office or server locations).

During your visit, we would prefer you to stay 2m (6ft for our UK customers) from others.  Wearing a mask is optional.

Our hospitality

We will still extend our usual hospitality of unlimited tea, coffee, water., etc., however, we are not providing food at this moment in time.  If you are intending to do a working lunch, you will need to bring your own packed lunch.

Alcohol gel and anti-bacterial spray will be provided.

A WiFi password will be offered if you need connectivity for your own devices which we prefer you to use instead of ours.

Safety Briefing

Some of our locations have a standby backup diesel generator which may activate automatically and without notice.  This is loud, and can, surprise.  It also makes the buildings electrical supply constantly live and contracting electricians need a separate safety briefing.  If it is your first visit to a location, please make a member of staff aware and this will be included in our fire procedures and safety briefing.

Medical Emergencies

We have a first aider on every location.  If you feel unwell, please let someone onsite know and we will summons the emergency services for you.

We hope that you enjoy your visit and that you want to enjoy both our hospitality and our services.