
Our monthly bespoke software as a service flat rate fee is simply based on the number of paying current clients that you have with no large up front payments.  From this table look up the currency you wish to deal in and the maximum number of current paying clients that you have annually, and quite simply, that is what you pay us monthly…

Max No.of Clients Price Euro
1,000 €180
10,000 €340
100,000 €600
1,000,000 €1,000
Unlimited POA

All monthly prices exclude VAT (sales tax) in territories where it has to be charged.  Invoices can be raised in your local currency via our chosen direct debit provider GoCardless who will complete the exchange rate for us at no extra cost to yourself.


  • Clients older than 2 years are classed as lapsed and are not counted.
  • Registered charity organisations pay half price.


  • Unlimited updates to business changes
  • Unlimited bug fixes
  • Unlimited users
  • Hosting of the application on our server cluster
  • Database hosting on our server cluster
  • Linking with your existing website (if applicable)
  • GDPR compliancy
  • Security
  • Database Backup
  • Advice

Errors and omissions excepted.