Power Loss
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Hyundai DHY6000SELR Generator Installation

For information only Just after 12:25 today, we completely lost power to our Mucklestone site causing us to switch to our diesel generator to generate our own power until the cause could be found. This was caused by an electrician working elsewhere on the site, tripping the main site circuit breaker.  He was doing loop … Read more

Hyundai DHY6000SELR Diesel Generator Installation
Hyundai DHY6000SELR Diesel Generator Installation avatar

Hyundai DHY6000SELR Generator Installation

Do you remember last month when we purchased a diesel standby generator for our infrastructure? Well, we now have it installed in our basement with extra exhaust silencers and a large pipe for the exhaust gases to exit to the outside world. This Hyundai diesel generator is noted as being one of the quietest around, … Read more

Standby Power
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Hyundai DHY6000SE Diesel Generator

It is my birthday today, and I always try to take the day off, and to do something nice. For example, for previous birthdays, I have been out flying, or a hill walk, or like last year, spent the afternoon roller skating, always something that I wanted to do. So, what have I done this … Read more