Updated: Data Protection Policy Wording
Updated: Data Protection Policy Wording avatar

After BREXIT, the UK Government passed new legislation, the Data Protection Act 2018, replacing over in the UK the European Unions GDPR law for UK data only. European Court of Justice Ruling The European Union had some concerns regarding this new act of legislation and referred the matter to the European Court of Justice. The … Read more

New Appointment – Lesley Bizley
New Appointment – Lesley Bizley avatar

Lesley Bizley

As part of our expansion plans, we are very pleased to announce that we have appointed Lesley Bizley as an additional director to Mark Andrew Smith Limited (Eire). Lesley has in the past worked for our UK operation so is very familiar with our operation and software systems before she moved to Ireland. Lesley will … Read more

BREXIT Statement of Readiness
BREXIT Statement of Readiness avatar


As a company, we are committed to providing the best support that we can through both software and service.  With this, we can now say that we have implemented steps in which to maintain our high level of service irrespective of the how the United Kingdom leaves the European Union.  We are not making any … Read more