Hyundai DHY6000SELR Diesel Generator Installation
Hyundai DHY6000SELR Diesel Generator Installation avatar

Do you remember last month when we purchased a diesel standby generator for our infrastructure? Well, we now have it installed in our basement with extra exhaust silencers and a large pipe for the exhaust gases to exit to the outside world.

Hyundai DHY6000SELR Generator Installation
Hyundai DHY6000SELR Generator Installation

This Hyundai diesel generator is noted as being one of the quietest around, but in order not to annoy our neighbours, we elected to add these extra exhaust silencers pictured.

When running, outside our premises, you can hear the generator, and at 20ft away it is only 54dB, and quieter than the nearby road noise (passing traffic is 57 to 63db). Most of the sound energy now comes from the chassis rather than the exhaust, so we are really pleased with the installation.

Now that we have a proper exhaust installation, we can run the engine to get the oil hot. So, our next job is do perform a full service on the engine ready for generating a standby electrical power feed should we need to.

#Hyundai #DHY6000SELR #DieselGenerator #LongRun #StandbyPower #BackupGenerator #ServerInfrastructure